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Your A Teams top tips on the work from home life balance

It wasn't that long ago that working from home was almost unheard of, and every employee packed their bags for the day and headed to the office. The world is changing, and we probably have covid to thank for aiding the shift to hybrid working.

From increased productivity, reduced stress and better work-life balance to more time for exercise or to spend with family, there is a huge range of benefits to flexible working arrangements. Whilst working from home is not for everyone, as Virtual Office Manager's we are advocates for flexible working arrangements.

Whilst Your A Team LOVE working from home, and embrace the technology to make it happen, it can sometimes be challenging to stay motivated - especially when that mountain of washing and household chores are staring back at us!  Let's take a look at how we stay motivated and productive whilst embracing the work from home life. 

Our top tips:

  1. Establish a routine:  Set a schedule for yourself and stick to it. This will help you maintain a sense of structure and productivity.

  2. Create a designated workspace:  Choose a space in your home that is specifically for work. This will help you separate your work life from your personal life and limit distractions.

  3. Stay connected with coworkers:  Make an effort to stay in touch with your colleagues through video conferencing, messaging apps, or phone calls. This will help maintain a sense of teamwork and collaboration. Your A Team meets at least once a week for a weekly overview and a chance to check in on each other as a group.

  4. Take breaks: It can be easy to get caught up in work when you're in a comfortable environment, but it's important to take breaks throughout the day to refresh your mind and avoid burnout. move, stretch, and rest your eyes Stay hydrated and nourished with healthy snacks and meals

  5. Maintain a healthy work-life balance:  When your work and personal space are combined, it can be difficult to separate the two. Make sure to prioritise self-care activities and set boundaries to avoid overworking or feeling overwhelmed. Practice relaxation techniques or seeking support if needed.

  6. Celebrate your accomplishments: No matter how small they may be.

  7. Get out and socialise:  It it important that when you work from home that you still go out and meet people in person. Join a club or get involved with like-minded people.

  8. Create a physical boundary that means you have finished for the day:  When we working in an office, we turn off our computer and drive home, so there is a physical boundary - that is harder to achieve at home. Tracey lights a candle on her desk when she is working, blowing out the candle and closing her office door is her physical barrier to finishing the work day.

Do you have any tips to add? We'd love to hear them.


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